Easy to get started

A good place to start is by assessing the current performance of the team. We utilize the data to create a plan that identifies where improvement efforts would be most effective. Feel free to reach out. We would love to help.

+47 452 08 227

Our team

Johan Haugstad

Phone: +47 997 92 579

Johan holds a degree in HR Management from UiS and is authorized to use JTI and TeamCompass. In recent years, while working within the healthcare and education sectors, he has simultaneously been engaged in leadership coaching and team development through Teamverkstedet and Veni.

Since 2012, Johan has been studying the use of personality tools in the education sector, conflict resolution, and organizational development. In addition to his leadership and board experience, he has assessed hundreds of employees and guided schools and companies to succeed in team development. Johan also holds several GiANT certifications, including 5 Voices and GiANT Life Intensive.

Jon Sakarias Liknes

CEO and Co-founder
Phone: +47 997 92 579

Jon Sakarias brings extensive experience from various industries, including construction, real estate, IT, and the education sector. Through leadership development programs, workshops, and 1:1 coaching, he has worked with leaders at all levels, ranging from top executives to front-line team leaders.

Jon Sakarias holds an Advanced Mentor Certificate from Stanford University, along with GiANT certifications in coaching and mentoring, including 5 Voices, 100X Leader, and GiANT Life Intensive.

How to get started


Book a 15-minute meeting to assess your needs and explore your opportunities.


Conduct an initial engagement to experience Ember's services firsthand.


Experience how Ember assists you in achieving the results you've been longing for!

What our clients say

We have utilized GiANT's tools and the GiANT OS platform for over two years within my team. The culture we have built, the companionship, and the shared understanding of how vastly different individuals can collaborate towards a common goal, are aspects I wouldn't want to be without.

Johnny Rimestad Sætre
Head of business development @ Veni

For us, the personality tool provided an aha-experience. It gave us new insight into strengths and weaknesses both in ourselves and in each other. The collaboration was a good basis for further development of the team.

Astrid Norland
Daglig leder i Eika Landskap

I recommend Ember to others who seek tools to elevate their organization through a deeper understanding of themselves and their colleagues.

Toralf Hetland

I believe everyone became more self-aware of their own 'personality,' and, notably, there was an increased consciousness regarding interaction and collaboration with others.

Tom Kenneth Gilje
Utviklingsleder i Gjesdal Kommune

As a departmental leader, GiANT has proven to be highly beneficial. The tools are easy to grasp and have also contributed to a greater understanding of my own response patterns.

Anne Jorun Polden
Avdelingsleder Rogaland Fagskole

I participated in GiANT's 5 Voices program with my team a few years ago. It provided us with valuable insights into the strengths and preferences of each team member.

Seun Ogunleye
Digital Business Solution Manager

Two days of input, group exercises, conversations, and individual reflection provided us with fresh insights into how we operate together. We were challenged to see each other in new ways and also identified tendencies within our work culture.

Rune Roaldsen
Skolesjef Hå Kommune

Working with the GiANT program personally provided me with a deeper understanding of my own communication style and how I can effectively communicate with others. I highly recommend the program to anyone looking to enhance their communication skills and become a more effective leader.

Simon Sakkestad
CEO Master Blaster

Frequently asked questions:

Who is Ember for?

For leaders who:

  • want to unlock their potential
  • step into a new role with more responsibility and influence
  • want to create results in a way that is sustainable for themselves and others

For teams who:

  • need to be established and built
  • undergo replacements or changes
  • want to improve their performance and create results they are proud of
What sets Ember apart from other consulting firms?

Several things. Here are some key differentiators:

Scalable people development

For the entire organization, not just the top 15%(executive groups)

Practical and easy to implement immediately

I'm considering using Ember at my workplace, but I'm unsure if it's the right fit for us. How can I determine if it's suitable for us?

Get in touch, and we'll arrange a suitable introductory taster to test it out and experience what it's like to work with Ember.

I'm facing challenges within my team. Where should I start?

First and foremost, reach out! A good starting point is to assess the current performance of the team. We use the data to create a plan for where improving will yield the most impact. After a period of collaboration, we can conduct another assessment to document the results.

What is an internal resource?

An intensive 3-month program, called Catalyst, equips internal personnel to utilize GiANT's tools and methods within the company, thereby ensuring ownership from within the organization. 

Do I need to engage Ember consultants for several years to achieve results?

One thing that sets Ember apart from traditional consulting firms is our dedicated program to train internal resources who can utilize GiANT's tools and methods. This approach enables your organization to receive assistance in the long-term development of employees in a sustainable manner.

Is it difficult to understand the tools that Ember uses?

The tools are simple, practical, and easy to implement right away.

What tools and methods does Ember use for people development?

Ember's primary toolkit is called GiANT, which comprises around 70 different tools and lenses. However, we also incorporate JTI and other tools when needed. You can learn more about GiANT's tools on giantworldwide.com. The methods we utilize include conversations, workshops, and some assessments.

Do you need to have a deep understanding of personality types before using Ember for leadership development?

No, Ember starts from where the client is and tailors the services accordingly.

Does Ember only work with large organizations?

No, Ember is equally for individual leaders and teams, but it has the technology and potential to work with organizations that have thousands of employees.